Gaiaganic Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% with 200mL and 500mL

Our ultra pure 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is highly concentrated , which saves excess packaging but means you must handle it with care; using hand and eye protection. There are no preservatives or stabilisers in Gaiaganic H2O2, so best to store it in your freezer, (don’t worry, it won’t freeze), your refrigerator or a cool dark cupboard. Keep away from children.
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Gaiaganic Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade. At strengths of 8% or above,

all peroxides are classified as Dangerous Goods (UN 2014) and require special handling.

Some important facts about hydrogen peroxide:

The chemical composition of Hydroden Peroxide is: H2O2.

It’s made of only 2 ingredients water and oxygen. It is endogenous,
or another way of saying ‘made by our bodies’.

In fact our bodies produce white blood cells called neutrophils
and these manufacture peroxide to fight foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses to keep you healthy.


It is recommended that you wear Gloves and Eye Protection when handling any peroxide at or above 8% concentration. DO NOT GET IT IN YOUR EYES! DO NOT INGEST! Call 000 immediately if ingested.

Gaiaganic 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide will cause irritation if it contacts your skin, like a mild electric shock. Simply wash the affected area with water until the stinging sensation stops. This may take a few minutes.

Any whitening of the skin will return to normal within an hour.

In case of spills, dilute by pouring at least 10 TIMES the amount of water onto the spilled peroxide. Mop up thediluted spill with a sponge or towel, then rinse the sponge or towel thoroughly with water.

Hydrogen peroxide can bleach dark fabrics. In case of accidental contact, rinse the item in water for several minutes and then launder as normal or soak in a bucket of clean water.


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